Oh we do like to be beside the seaside!

Evening all!
I have had a great day today (oh how I love school holidays!)
Today myself and the boyf headed to Scarborough to introduce him to a seaside resort other than Blackpool (fun day out but sometimes you just want somewhere a little less...full on?) I honestly feel I may have eaten my own body weight in fish & chips and do-nuts (why is it that they always write it like that by the sea!)
In make up terms today I made sure I used a base with spf. As you can see from the pic above there was basically NO sunshine (booooooooo) but being one of the palest people I know I always take precautions. At the minute for my primer I'm using The Body Shop Instaglow CC cream for light skin as it has spf 20.

I'll be honest, I'm not 100% on it-it adds a nice texture to my skin (which is as dry as the Sahara!) and goes well with my foundation, but it just seems to hate my moisturiser! I don't know if this is the primers fault or my moisturisers (I am thinking about a change anyway) but it just seems to 'pile' on my skin-if that makes sense? Basically it rubs off in little lumps. Not a good look.
I'm going to persevere and try this again when I have a new moisturiser I think and hope it works better then. As I said I do like the glow this gives you without adding any shimmer and it does have SPF in it.
Love Bertie xx
P.S. Please someone suggest me a moisturiser that will stop my face getting blotchy dry patches and I will love you forever!