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Summer vs Winter

Does anyone else have different 'fashion personas' based on the time of year? I know I do!

In winter I am all about the dark rocky gothy look. As soon as my boots and coats come out my entire wardrobe seems to turn into blacks, plums and burgundies (my all time fave winter colour-I could literally have everything in this colour!). I am a real lipstick addict so for my winter look I always have a heavy plum lip and my eyes tend to be neutral to balance it out.

Now it's starting to get warmer I'm rediscovering my summer persona. Summer Bertie is all about pastels-pastels in pretty much every shade (except possibly orange...being so pale and cool skinned I just can't pull it off :-( no pretty corals or peaches for me!). Being a girly girl my all time favourite summer colour is pink, although this year I'm finding myself leaning towards some lovely lilacs!

So that brings me to todays shopping purchases. This was a relatively tame one for me as I'm broke till pay day next week :-( but I was excited to rediscover Primark.

I have to hold my hands up and say I can be a bit of a Primark snob-I just find that sometimes the whole experience can be a bit like a crazy jumble sale! But today

I decided to brave it and was very pleasently surprised. I forgot how many brilliant bargains you can get.

So todays purchases were:

*A £3 rose gold make up bag-this will be perfect for carrying day to day bits and bobs

*A £2 plastic jar for keeping my cotton pads in

*A white 'faux fur' fleece blanket. So soft, and will double as both a blanket/throw and a background for my pictures. Only £6

I then hit topshop (my all time favourite clothes shop). Having no money I had to limit myself, but I managed to get this super cute t-shirt. It's stripy (another of my summer staples) with a slight crop which is perfect for me as I like my trousers and shorts high waisted. Can't wait for a bit of sun so I can wear it.

Last, but not least, I wanted a new lipstick-something a bit lighter and more summery than the millions of plum coloured ones I already own. It took me ages to find the perfect shade and I settled on a light mauvey/pinky/purpley matte lipstick from Maybelline (shade is called blushing pout). Having got it home now I'm not sure if it's too light but hopefully I can find a way to make it work! Review to come later when I've tested it out ptoperly

So do you guys have different styles for different times of year? Let me know in the comments box!

Love Bertie xx

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