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How I (hopefully!) defeated my adult acne

It’s been a while since I posted so thought I was time to get back into it!

Throughout my life I’ve been pretty blessed with good skin. It’s always been dry but I’ve never really suffered from spots, until about two years ago. I started to get random breakouts on one of my cheeks (only one side?! No idea why!). They’d start as small white bumps and then about every couple of weeks one of them would turn into a full blown spot. And not the nice white head popable types-the sore, red, under the skin type.

I suffered with these for about 18 months. I tried to everything under the sun that I could from Boots but everything just seemed to make it angrier. Finally I decided it was time to go to the doctors. I was worried that they wouldn’t think it was a problem as it was only a small patch on one cheek but the doctor happily prescribed me two topical creams.

These were Differin-to apply every morning, and Duac to apply at night. At first these made my already dry skin sore, itchy, red and flakey. However, I also saw almost instant improvements in my acne so was happy to put up with the side effects. I invested in some heavy duty moisturiser (Cetaphil in the pharmacy section worked wonders!) and slapped this on at any possible opportunity.

The side effects died down in about 2 months (although my skin is still dry). And now 5 months later I am happy to say I haven’t had a new spot in about 3 months! I’m now trying to gradually cut down on the use, although I am scared that when I completely come off the creams I’ll get my acne back. With my wedding in August I think I’ll carry on using them till then and then try cutting down.

Has anyone else tried Duac or Differin? Did they work for you? Let me know your thoughts!

Bertie xxx


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